Planning to Plan

Houda Tabbal
1 min readApr 14, 2021

I chose to look at the data for Juvenile Incarceration from Child Trends databank. While looking at this data set one thing I really appreciated was the inclusion of different races, ages, and gender. Although the first graph on the website show only by race, the option to analyze the data in more than one way was available. The website also made it easier for the viewer to set apart each graph and dataset because of the organization. I easily understood this data set and graphs.

The second data set I looked at was Children's Exposure to Violence from Child Trends databank. This dataset included more graphs than the previous data set. Possibly because there are so many different types of victimization in the data to sort and clean. When I went to look at the raw data at the bottom of the page it would't work, but I did look at the graphs included and the were all easy to read.

